God’s Evident Blessing In Your Life

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 4 Feb 2019 | Ministry Updates

Would you like to experience an extraordinary life? By extraordinary, I mean a life that is marked by the undeniable presence of God’s favor and manifested blessing. 

I was 22 years old when I came to the Lord and just 3 months later, God told me that He was going to teach me how to walk in His favor. He also said, “There will come a day when your name will be known for the favor of God on your life.”

Since that time, God has transformed me from failure to success! I am an example of what His favor can do in the life of someone who will surrender to Him.

Obviously, God’s favor is my favorite subject to study in Scripture. I’ve had many ministers tell me that they don’t know anyone who has experienced more of God’s favor than I do. Some places I go to minister, I’m introduced as “Dr. Favor.” There’s even a Christian hip hop artist that wrote a song saying, “I want favor like Jerry Savelle!” 

I have preached more sermons, written more books, and produced more resources on the subject of favor than perhaps any other minister of our generation.

And don’t miss this… The understanding of God’s favor isn’t just for me. You can walk in God’s favor just as I do! Perhaps, the reason I walk in God’s favor so much is because I have studied it until it has become a deep revelation to me. The good news is, you have the same promises available to you that I found in the Bible. You can receive a revelation of God’s favor just as I have. 

In fact, one of God’s mandates on my life is to teach you how to walk in God’s favor! 

How do I know that God desires His favor and blessing to be manifested in your life? Well, the psalmist wrote saying, “Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah” (Psalm 3:8) You can’t have God’s blessing without having His favor as well.

Are you part of “God’s people?” You are if you’ve received Christ into your life. 

In fact, just to make sure that you got it, the psalmist adds the word “Selah”, which means to stop and think about it or meditate upon this. Next to salvation, this is probably the greatest thing God has done for us. He’s pronounced His blessing on us!

The blessing is on you right now. And with it, you have no limitations!  Why? Because it’s the empowerment to prosper, to succeed, to excel, to multiply, to increase and to rise above everything that keeps others down.

Let me teach you one of the revelations God has shown me about the connection between His blessing and favor. 

God asked me one time, “If my blessing is the empowerment to prosper, to increase, and to excel, then what is my favor for?” Before I could answer, God said, “My favor is what creates the opportunity for my blessing to work.” 

Psalm 5:12 reveals, “For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.” You should wake up every morning and declare out loud, “I’m surrounded by God’s favor!” When you have the blessing of God on your life and the favor of God on your life, that’s a winning combination! 

Don’t let Satan’s lies talk you out of believing for God’s favor and blessings to work in your life! Your location, your upbringing, nor your education limits what God’s favor can do! 

I wasn’t born into an affluent family. I was born in the back woods of Mississippi on a farm my grandpa bought in 1927. In fact, it was the same farm where my dad was raised. Many times my dad told me that they just barely managed to get by.

Your past doesn’t determine what God’s favor can do in your life! 

The wisdom found in Proverbs 10:22 tells us, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich.” Begin confessing that God’s blessing makes you rich! Sadly, many Christians will never experience it because they don’t believe it! Don’t let that be you! 

God’s blessing will make you rich! 

Look, for example at the life of Abraham. God told him in Genesis 12:2, “I will bless thee…” and just one chapter later, we read in Genesis 13:2, “And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.”

Everything he did and everywhere he went, he prospered!

Not only that, but he was able to rise above every adversity. Armies couldn’t defeat him, challenges couldn’t stop him, and obstacles couldn’t overcome him, because the blessing caused him to excel in every area of his life.

Don’t ever give up. Don’t adjust your expectations based on your circumstances, set your expectations according to God’s Word! 

As you keep reading about Abraham’s life, you will see that others noticed that something was different about him. He had something on him that they didn’t have.

The Amplified Bible says that the blessing of God made him, “Famous and distinguished” (Genesis 12:2).  They couldn’t help but notice something different about him!

Now, my question for you is this, “Has anyone noticed that God’s blessing is now on you?” If it’s truly on you, then there should eventually be evidence of it.

You can even see this come to pass in Abraham’s son Isaac’s life. God’s favor and blessing was so obvious on his life that Abimelech said to Isaac “You are now the blessed of the Lord” (Genesis 26:29).

Another Translation says, “We clearly saw that God’s blessing is on you now and your prosperity is a manifested token of the Lord’s favor.” As a result of the evident blessing on Isaac’s life, Abimelech wanted to partner with him and be in business together. 

Has anyone ever wanted to “team up” with you because they saw that God’s blessing was on your life? Well, if you’re faithful, somewhere down the road, it probably will happen. Particularly if they continue to see you excelling while others are failing!

Faithfulness if a vital key to experiencing more of the blessing of God. Look at what Proverbs 28:20 instructs, “A faithful man will abound with blessings.” Faithfulness positions you for blessing. 

Faithfulness isn’t something you can measure in weeks. My wife, Carolyn, and I have been married for 52 years. When we said “I do”, we did! And there has never been another. That’s faithfulness. 

I’ve been traveling this globe teaching for 50 years and over the years I have seen hundreds of believers come and go. When I go to some of the same churches year after year, I’ve noticed some of the most excited people are no longer there. And not just believers, I’ve even seen many pastors come and go too. 

Refuse to back down. Stay faithful and keep believing to not only experience more of the blessing, but also for more people to see that it is evident in your life. This makes your God attractive and demonstrates that He is indeed a good God!

I want to help strengthen your faith and drive out weariness. I’m here to teach you and inspire you to keep trusting God. When you give and partner with this ministry, I pray that the same grace I have for “no-quit faith” comes on you (Philippians 1:7).  

As you give this month, I will pour right back into your life by sending you my recent, power-packed message, God’s Evident Blessing In Your Life.

You can give securely and conveniently online, at www.jsmiaustralia.org/offering and be sure to check the box to receive my message on either CD or MP3.

You can give in confidence knowing that your support enables this ministry to proclaim God’s Word to the hurting, lost, and discouraged. Because of you, we can help people break free from the lies and traps of Satan. We can reach people with the truth and see them step into God’s plan and design for their lives. 

Thank you for believing in this ministry and the call of God on my life. I consider it the greatest honor for God to use me to speak into your life and teach you how to be the winner God created you to be. 

I’m praying for you and I’m expecting you to live an extraordinary life marked by the blessing and favor of God! I hope to hear from you soon.

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

Jerry Savelle

P.S. God’s blessing is on you! It’s not based on you arning it or being “good enough.” It’s based on God’s grace and the finished work of Jesus! Grace is the undeserved favor of God in your life. Remain faithful and expect God’s favor to create opportunity for God’s blessing to manifest. Also, as you give this month, let me know how we can be praying for you. 

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