Increasing the Level of Your Expectancy

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 5 Feb 2019 | Ministry Updates

Are you intentional with your expectations? Have you lowered your expectations without even realizing it? 

God has put it on my heart to encourage you to increase your level of expectancy. Why? Because your expectancy is a major key to you experiencing marvels, wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of our God. 

The actual words expect or expectation or expectancy aren’t used that often in Scripture. However, there is another word that is used quite often that has the same meaning.

That word is HOPE.

Hope actually means a confident expectation. It’s also defined as an eager anticipation or belief that something is going to happen or take place in your life.

I know that life can get hard sometimes. The constant pressure can make you feel like quitting. Discouragement and hopelessness always try to creep in. 

Regardless of what you may be facing, you should always have hope in Christ that you’re going to overcome. There is no circumstance, no hardship, and no attack so great that you should lose hope.

Winners expect to win! As a believer, you don’t have hope because of some self-centered pride and ego. No, your hope and expectations are anchored in the One who raises the dead, heals the sick, and restores the broken. 

So regardless of what attack Satan is launching at you, it’s only a matter of time until you come out victorious. The apostle Paul, while facing persecution and hardships, wrote in Philippians 1:19, “For I know this will turn…” 

Make that your attitude also! Every time doubt or hopelessness tries to creep in, boldly declare over your situation, I KNOW THIS WILL TURN! You can be sure of this; faith and confident expectation conquers all adversity.

God is looking right now to bless those that put their hope in Him. Psalm 33:18-19 declares, “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” 

Don’t ever lose your hope. In fact, let hope grow stronger. Begin increasing the level of your expectancy!

The psalmist understood the importance of having hope. He boldly declared, “For in thee, O Lord, do I hope…” (Psalm 38:15) and he also said “…my hope is in thee” (Psalm 39:7). Then in Psalm 42:5 he says “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” 

Why does the Psalmist do this? Because he has learned that regardless of what opposition and hardships he faced in life, his hope is in God!

And since God and His Word are one in the same, then wouldn’t it stand to reason that if you go to the Word when you’re feeling down and depressed, it will cause your expectations for something good happening to rise up within you?

Increasing the level of your hope and expectancy is a vital key to seeing God’s power move in your life. You cannot separate what you are truly expecting from what you will actually experience. (Acts 3:1-9) We see Jesus revealing this truth by saying to the centurion soldier, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” (Matthew 8:13 NIV)

So, let me ask you, do you truly want the prophetic word God gave me to come to pass for you this year? God said that it would be a year of marvels, wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of His greatness.

But it’s not likely to happen if you aren’t expecting it!

I get up every day expecting it! Like the Psalmist, MY HOPE IS IN GOD!

And once again, what is hope from a Bible stand point? A CONFIDENT EXPECTATION, AN EAGER ANTICIPATION.

Even when it looks as though nothing is happening, I will not stop hoping! Psalm 71:14 reveals the steadfast attitude you must develop. When life seems to look impossible, you can declare like the psalmist, “But I will hope continually and yet will praise thee more and more.” 

Your confident expectation should cause you to praise God more and more even before your prayer is answered. 

That’s one of the ways of determining whether or not you’re really expecting it to come to pass. I’ve often said over the years that praise is one of the greatest expressions of faith.


Are you truly expecting and anticipating marvels, wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of His greatness? If so, then don’t ever stop praising Him for them in advance!

I encourage you today to stay close to Jesus and to stay close to His Word. His Word will spark hope in your heart. When you thought it was over, when you don’t think you can go on any longer, God’s Word will spark life where there was once death. Hopelessness can’t remain in your life when you’re full of God’s Word. 

I like what Paul said about Abraham when it looked as though what God had told him, would never come to pass. We find it in Romans 4:18 in the Message paraphrase, “When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw…But on what God said He would do.” 

Don’t ever give up! Let God’s Word be the final authority in your life!

That’s why I’m here to help you. That’s why God has called me to encourage you and point you back to the truth of His Word. Feeling isolated and alone can seem very hopeless. I want you to know that you are not alone. 

I am standing with you in faith and fighting beside you to see the victory for which Jesus paid the ultimate price. I’m so grateful that God has linked us together to support and encourage each other. Everything this ministry does is designed to inspire, build faith, and increase your hope! I’m here to teach you how to be the winner God created you to be.

In fact, when you give this month, I want to pour right back into your life by sending you my new teaching message, Increasing the Level of Your Expectancy, as a thank you. 

You can give securely at or by calling +61 7 5576 5534 and be sure to check the box to receive my message.

I hope this letter was encouraging and inspired you to increase the level of your expectancy. I’m praying for you and hope to hear from you soon. 

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

Jerry Savelle

P.S. Meditating on the Word and learning from faith-building resources are just two of the ways to increase your level of expectancy. That’s why I’m proud to announce that we have launched the online Jerry Savelle Bible School! This powerful, program will teach you to become the winner in life God created you to be! For more information and to register for courses, visit 

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