The Power of Focus

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 1 Mar 2024 | JSMI Newsletters

I used to be one of the biggest quitters you’d ever meet. In fact, before surrendering to Christ, the only thing I was consistent at was quitting.

In February of 1969, when Brother Copeland preached at the church in our town of Shreveport, Louisiana, that was the night that my life changed. 

I didn’t go forward in the service, but when we got home that night, I couldn’t sleep. I got up and walked into the living room and I said to God, “I don’t know why You still want me. I’ve been running from You all my life. But if You do, I’m here. I surrender to You. I’ll do whatever You want me to do.”

I knew from the age of 11 that I was called to preach, and I had been running from it. But that night I received my salvation and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. From that moment on I could not get enough of the Word of God.

In those early days, I didn’t know anything about the Bible. All I had ever read growing up were children’s Bible stories. But as far as knowing anything about the life of faith, I knew nothing.

I remember opening my Bible to the book of John. My eyes fell on a verse that said, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32 NASB). That little word “continue” jumped off the pages and into my heart.

The Lord said to me, “You’ve always been a good starter, but you’ve never been a good finisher.” He said, “If you don’t develop the art of continuing, you will never be the man I want you to be. You’ll never be the father I want you to be. Never be the husband I want you to be. And you’ll never be the preacher that I want you to be. So, start developing the art of continuing. Stick with it.”

This was a life-changing moment for me. All my youth, I would start one thing and quit as soon as I got distracted. It didn’t matter if it was sports, girlfriends, jobs…I was always getting distracted. That was the story of my life.

It wasn’t until I became a man of faith and got into the Word of God that it all changed. That old man died, and a new man came alive. That new man is still living today. I praise God that I’m still not distracted and I’m not a quitter anymore. 

I’m a winner because I learned how to stay focused and to continue in faith no matter how long it takes! 

So, I want to talk about the importance of staying focused on the promises of God, because that’s one of the keys if you want your 2024 to be a year of progression, advancement, promotion, and your highest expectations being fulfilled. 

Your ability to remain focused on what God has promised will determine if you ever reach the place that God wants you to go. Let me say it again. Your ability to remain focused on what God has promised will determine if you ever reach the place where God wants you to go. 

Focus enables you to see what God sees and remaining focused keeps you moving toward the fulfillment of it.

Focus is the vehicle that will take you to the place where you begin to experience God’s best in your life. That’s why you should start your day every morning focused on the promises of God that describe: what you can be, what you can do, and what you can have

God’s Word is like a compass, a navigational instrument for leading you in the right direction. Psalm 119:105 says that God’s Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light to your path. That’s like a guiding compass. In The Message Bible it says, “By your words I can see where I’m going. They throw a beam of light on my dark path.” 

If you have no idea where God wants to take you, then it becomes very easy for your adversary to distract you.

Once you have a learned understanding of the promises of God, they will create a foundation from which you establish your goals. Then remaining focused enables you to achieve those goals. If you can’t maintain your focus, then it’s not likely that you’ll ever experience the fulfillment of what God has promised. 

Staying in God’s Word helps you stay strong in faith and remain focused. 

The Bible says in Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”. Faith is increased by hearing and consistently hearing the Word of God. It didn’t say faith came by having heard. It says faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing. One of the great things that God has given our generation is the ability to record messages so you can hear them again and again and again. 

I carry in my Bible briefcase a little iPod filled with sermons from Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborn, John Osteen, and Fred Price that I heard back when I first started this adventure of faith. 

There’s hardly a day that goes by, particularly when I’m traveling, that I’m not listening to a Kenneth Hagin message. I already know which Scriptures he’s going to read. I know all the stories. I’ve listened to Kenneth Hagin so much that I feel like I was born in his hometown of McKinney, Texas. I can preach those messages word for word from memory, but I never get tired of listening to them. 

Those messages help me stay focused.

I believe that one of the major reasons that people give up so quickly is simply because they lose focus. I’ll say it again… Focus is the vehicle that will take you to where God wants you to go.

Let me just give you a suggestion. In your own personal Bible study, make note of the various times that God uses the words, SEE and LOOK throughout Scripture. Most of the time when God says SEE or LOOK it is a reference to Him endeavoring to get His people to focus on something that He desires for them to experience.

God is endeavoring to get a vision planted in you so that you will become focused and eventually reach it. 

The problem with most Christians is that they are nearsighted. They can’t see beyond where they are right now. Some even say, “This is how it’s going to be for the rest of my life;” or “It looks like I’m stuck here forever.” 

You must resist the negative thought, “Who am I to think that this could happen to me?” Expand your vision, SEE and LOOK beyond where you are right now.

If God says you can be something, then you can be that. If God says you can do something, then you can do it. If God says you can have something, then you can have it. 

Stop settling for less than God’s best because of nearsightedness.

The Book of Proverbs tells us regarding being focused, “Keep your eyes straight ahead. Ignore all distractions, Watch your step. Look neither right nor left” (Proverbs 4:25 MSG).  

Keep your eyes straight ahead. Do you want God’s best for your 2024? Then it requires focus. It requires you to refuse to be distracted. It requires you to stay in faith. 

I’m here to help you stay focused. I want to see you win this year. By the time you reach the end of 2024, I want you to have so many astounding testimonies of promotion, advancement, progression, and your highest expectations being fulfilled. 

I recently preached a powerful message titled, The Power of Focus, that I want you to listen to. I’ve instructed my staff to send this audio teaching to you this month as my “Thank you” for your faithful support. 

You are bringing encouragement, hope, truth, and love to people all over the world through your faithful generosity. Your financial gifts make ministry possible in places desperate for hope. Thank you for believing in this ministry and the call of God on my life. We are in this together! I’m linking my faith with yours that 2024 is your year for progression and advancement.

You can give securely and conveniently online, simply go to or by calling +61 7 5576 5534, and be sure to check the box to receive my message via CD or MP3.

Are you focused? Are you determined to not allow anything to distract you? If your answer is “yes,” then get ready to receive everything that God has for you!

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

P.S. Always allow God’s Word to be final authority! Set your eyes on the promises of God and reject all the distractions satan sends your way. Continue in God’s Word and increase your faith for God’s best in your life. I’m praying for you and hope to hear from you soon.

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