10 Benefits of Favour

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 18 Aug 2013 | Ministry Updates

Favour produces supernatural increase and promotion. (Genesis 39:21)
Favour produces restoration of everything that the enemy has stolen from you. (Exodus 3:21)
Favour produces honor in the midst of your adversaries. (Exodus 11:3)
Favour produces increased assets, especially in the area of real estate.(Deuteronomy 33:23)
Favour produces great victories in the midst of great impossibilities. (Joshua 11:20)
Favour produces recognition, even when you seem the least likely to receive it. (1 Samuel 16:22)
Favour produces prominence and preferential treatment. (Esther. 2:17)
Favour produces petitions granted even by ungodly civil authorities. (Esther 5:8)
Favour causes policies, rules, regulations and laws to be changed and reversed to your advantage. (Esther 8:5)
Favour produces battles won which you won’t even fight because God will fight them for you. (Psalm 44:3)

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