God’s Visible Blessing on Your Life

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 7 Feb 2019 | Ministry Updates

When I look at my life and all the favor God has shown me, I often say, “I know I must be God’s favorite.” Of course, I know God doesn’t play favorites, but I just can’t help feeling that way seeing how good God has been to me.

Would you like to see more of God’s blessing and favor on your life?

In the book of Psalms, David declared, concerning God and His blessing, “Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah” (Psalm 3:8). Selah means to take a moment and think about this truth.

What does it mean to have God’s blessing on your life? How would God’s blessing change the circumstances you’re facing? How would it affect your relationships, finances, and health?

I have found that God’s blessing is an empowerment that causes you to prosper and succeed. Not just for your own personal gain, but to accomplish the vision and purpose of God for your life and family.

God’s blessing will open doors of opportunities and give you influence that education or money can’t produce. 

As a follower of Christ, God’s blessing is available to you! God wants you so blessed and so favored that people will see it and be attracted to the God you serve.

We see this happen in the life of Abraham recorded in Genesis. God spoke to Abraham in Genesis 12:2 saying, “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.”

“Make your name great” means people will know you. Some translations say that you will be made famous. This means people will see and know how blessed and favored you are by God.

So, what does this blessing look like? The very next chapter describes it saying, “Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold” (Genesis 13:2).  And this blessing wasn’t short lived. It continued throughout his life. Genesis 24:1 (NLT) reveals that, “Abraham was now a very old man, and the Lord had blessed him in every way. ”

God’s blessing isn’t just reserved for Abraham. God’s blessing is available to you through the finished work of Jesus Christ! You are chosen by God, a recipient of His blessing, and people ought to see the blessing active in your life.

Can people see God’s blessing on your life? They should!

God spoke to His people in Deuteronomy 28:10 (NLT) declaring, “Then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the Lord, and they will stand in awe of you.”

We see evidence of this in Isaac’s life also when Abimelech said to him, “Well, we can plainly see that Jehovah is blessing you” (Genesis 26:28 TLB).

Would you like to experience more of God’s blessing in your life?

Begin to declare every day that God’s blessing is on you. This blessing is a GIFT! You can not earn it. As a recipient of God’s grace, when you place your trust in Jesus as your savior, the blessing is placed on your life.

Sadly, many believers don’t walk in the blessing of God because of a lack of knowledge. They don’t know what God’s promises are or how to receive the blessing. That’s why God has called me to declare these truths and give personal examples of it working in my life.

God has called and anointed me to speak these truths and bring forth revelation about God’s blessing. These truths are revealed in the books I’ve written, messages I preach, and the television episodes I record.

I’m so passionate about teaching God’s blessing because I want to see you experience the goodness and favor of God just as I have over the past 50 years.

Refuse to settle for average. Expect more than just surviving. Raise your faith and expectation to walk in the fullness of the blessing that Jesus made available to you. 

I want to help strengthen your faith for God’s blessing. As you give this month, I’ll have my team send you a powerful message I just preached titled, God’s Visible Blessing on Your Life. In this message I describe what the blessing is, how you can walk in it, and how God will use it to influence those around you.

You can give securely and conveniently at www.jsmiaustralia.org/offering or by calling +61 7 5576 5534. When giving online be sure to check the box to receive my message by CD or MP3.

Thank you for your gifts and support! Because you believe in the calling of God on my life, you are helping reach lost people with the Gospel, train pastors throughout Africa, and spread the message of hope and blessing to hurting people around the world.

You are part of changing people’s lives! I’m so thankful for you and your obedience to God. Together, we can tell people of God’s goodness and love!

I’m praying for you and hope to hear from you soon.

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

P.S. God is no respector of persons. The same way He has changed my life, He will bless and transform yours! Don’t “shrink back” from God’s blessing and favor. Embrace it! Boldly ask God to bless you and use that blessing to honor Him. You are blessed to be a blessing!

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